Friday, January 30, 2015

Werds #3

exposition- The initial portion of the story that gives all of the information needed for the rest of the story. Initial buffet of information for a story.

expressionism- The representation of inner feeling in art, literature, or music. Usually intended to be unrealistic
fable- A short allegory with animals.

fallacy- An erroneous mistake in an argument, post hoc, red herring, and circular reasoning.

falling action- portion of the story after the climax.

farce- a rude comedy that is meant to be absurd.

figurative language- imaginative language used to describe characters or events.

flashback- when a prior event is told in the present.

foil- contrasting characters in a story. Tybalt and Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet were good examples.

folk tale- oral tradition for stories.

foreshadowing- a literary device used to foresee an event but isn't outright blatant.

free verse- poetry without structure or rhyme.

genre- category of art, literature, or music.

gothic tale- story that is dark and gloomy, usually violent and gruesome. 

- exaggerated figure of speech

imagery-  vivid description to convey an image

implication- meaning of a story that the reader supposed to arrive at

incongruity- deliberate juxtaposition of polar opposites, the result is inappropriate. 

inference- coming to a conclusion base open information of the story.

irony- an incongruity between what is said and what is meant.

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