Monday, August 18, 2014

!987 AP English Literature and Composition Exam

  1. c
  2. a
  3. b- c
  4. e
  5. d
  6. d
  7. d- e
  8. b
  9. a- e
  10. c
  11. c- d
  12. b
  13. b
  14. a- c
  15. a
  16. b
  17. c
  18. e
  19. b- a
  20. b
  21. e
  22. e
  23. d- a
  24. a
  25. c
  26. e
  27. a- d
  28. c
  29. a
  30. b
  31. d
  32. b
  33. c- d
  34. a
  35. e
  36. d- e
  37. c
  38. e- d
  39. c
  40. c
  41. d
  42. c- a
  43. a- b
  44. d- e
  45. d- a
  46. b
  47. b
  48. b- a
  49. c
  50. d
  51. b- c
  52. a- b
  53. e
  54. b
  55. e- a
  56. b
  57. b
  58. d
  59. e
  60. b
  61. c- a

Numbers 3, 7, 9, 11, 14, 19, 23, 27, 33, 36, 38, 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 51, 52, 55, 61 were the harder ones. the rest of the questions were easy, moderately easy or I guessed the right answer.

  • Much of what made these particular questions difficult was that I haven't practiced the various literary terms enough, these are something that we should know extensively by now but i don't feel entirely comfortable with them. 
  • I also am prone to reading through text to quickly and cannot grasp a concept because I didn't spend enough time reading thoroughly.
  •  If I were to take the time to be more analytic, questions that ask about how particular lines affect the piece would be much easier to understand because I know what is past the letters but the entire message.
  • One huge thing that will help me is to read more novels, poems, stories etc to help me get back into the groove of understanding literature.  

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