Thursday, August 14, 2014

Poetry #1

1.       The Levi’s and Strauss Company borrowed a poem by the name of “The Laughing Heart” by Charles Bukowski.

2.       The use of this poem by The Levi’s and Strauss company is considered ironic, because Bukowski meant for this poem to be message that teaches each and every human to be themselves and basically a non-conformist. Bukowski wants people to shape themselves not be shaped by others. While the Levi’s company uses a strong message to sell clothing they are shaping the consumers mind to psychologically want to go out and buy a pair of Levi’s Jeans.

3.       Yes, Bukowski was an avid “hippie” in the sixties and wanted people to not conform to “the man.” Bukowski was a man free of the mind, he was so free-willed that even the FBI had tabs on him.  Especially in 60s to 70s when there were more liberal movements and people who were becoming more open about themselves.

4.       I typed into the default google search bar in my web browser, “Charles Bukowski,” went to and used information from here to help aid me and what I got from the video to form my answers.

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